Project Description
The Heart of Sleep
2 to 5 Years
2 to 5 years old – Sleeping in a bed
For parents of these beautiful little boundary pushers. Toddlers can be challenging when it comes to behaviours relating to sleep. Are you having night time battles going to bed and staying in bed? The key is to be consistent. Let’s make bedtime simple and guide them to sleeping through the night. The consultation will take place either in the comfort of your home, telephone or Skype.

Full sleep evaluation for your child
Private 60 minute sleep consultation
A personalised sleep plan
Three 15 minute follow up telephone calls
Three weeks of email support*
Daily evaluation of sleep log
The Heart of Sleep 2-5 year old package with consultation by Skype or telephone: AU$430.00
The Heart of Sleep 2-5 year old package with in-home consultation in Brisbane: AU$495.00
* Email support: I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I know that as a parent of a newborn, timely support is important. My guarantee to you is that I will get back to you within one business day.
* My availability varies but I can often accommodate a new client within a week.
This is the sleep consultant service I recently engaged to help our family to get more sleep. Our little cat napper, in her 2 years of life, had slept for more than 2 hours only 3 times! Yes! That’s the truth. She could take an hour or more to get to sleep. I was averaging 3 hours of sleep total a night.
Now…She is sleeping through or only waking once a night. My sleeping time has more than doubled (and truthfully could be better if I would go to bed earlier). She is …now usually asleep in 10-15 minutes.
And the best parts, Melanie is supportive, respectful of my parenting choices, encouraging and I didn’t even have to leave home and were able to use technology to have our “face to face” meetings given she lives interstate from me. So really, if you’re reading this right now it is possible for you too, to work with Melanie no matter where you are